The seventh series of the British television drama series ''Waterloo Road'' began broadcasting on 4 May 2011, and ended on 25 April 2012 on BBC One. The series follows the lives of the faculty and pupils of the Eponymous school, a failing inner-city comprehensive school. It consists of thirty episodes, shown in three blocks of ten episodes each. The seventh series achieved an average of 5.30 million viewers in the ratings.〔The number is based on available ratings data posted on the Broadcasters' Audience Research Board website〕 It is the last series to be set in Rochdale, England. ==Cast and characters== *Lorraine Cheshire as Fleur Budgen; Grantly's Wife (episode 25 only) *Philip Martin Brown as Grantly Budgen; English Teacher *Jason Done as Tom Clarkson; Head of English, Deputy Head (episode 11 ) *Chelsee Healey as Janeece Bryant; Secretary *Chris Geere as Matt Wilding; Head of Music and Drama (episode 11 to 30) *Reece Douglas as Denzil Kelly; Pupil (until episode 30) *Elaine Symons as Rose Kelly; Canteen Assistant (episode 2 to 7) *Holly Kenny as Sambuca Kelly; Pupil (until episode 6) *Darcy Isa as Lauren Andrews; Pupil (until episode 30) * Shannon Flynn as Emily James; Pupil (until episode 30) * William Ash as Christopher Mead ; Science Teacher and Deputy Head (until episode 10) * Ayesha Gwilt as Amy Porter; Pupil (until episode 10) * William Rush as Josh Stevenson; Pupil * Rebecca Ryan as Vicki MacDonald; Pupil (until episode 20) * Jack McMullen as Finn Sharkey; Pupil (until episode 30) *Ben-Ryan Davies as Ronan Burley; Pupil (until episode 20, episode 30) *Ceallach Spellman as Harry Fisher; Pupil (until episode 10) *Linzey Cocker as Jess Fisher; Pupil (until episode 10) *Amanda Burton as Karen Fisher; Head Teacher (until episode 10) *George Sampson as Kyle Stack; Pupil (until episode 10, episode 21 to 30) *Mark Benton as Daniel Chalk; Maths Teacher (episode 1 onwards) *Poppy Jhakra as Eleanor Chaudry; English Teacher (episode 1 to 10) *Hope Katana as Rhona Mansfield; Pupil (episode 1 to 30) *Millie Katana as Shona Mansfield; Pupil (episode 1 to 30) *Oliver Lee as Aiden Scotcher; Pupil (episode 1 to 10) *Robson Green as Rob Scotcher; Site Manager and Parent (episode 1 to 10) *Debra Stephenson as Naomi Scotcher; Wife and parent (episode 4 to 7) *Nicholas Gleaves as Richard Whitman; Director of Education (episode 5 to 10) *Katie McGlynn as Jodie 'Scout' Allen; Pupil (episode 7 onwards) *Lisa Riley as Tina Allen; Parent (episode 8 to episode 10, episode 29) *Alec Newman as Michael Byrne; Head Teacher (episode 11 onwards) *Alex Walkinshaw as Jez Diamond; Head of Physical Education (episode 11 to 28) *Jaye Jacobs as Sian Diamond; Science Teacher, Deputy Head (episode 11 onwards) *Rob Haythorne as Wayne Johnson; Michael's Attacker (episode 11 to 20) *Naveed Choudhry as Tariq Siddiqui; Pupil (episode 11 onwards) *Aryana Ramkhalawon as Trudi Siddiqui; Pupil (episode 11 to 30) *John Thomson as Nelson Smith; Parent (episode 11 to 14) *Kaya Moore as Phoenix Taylor; Pupil (episode 11 onwards) *Kane Tomlinson-Weaver as Harley Taylor; Pupil (episode 11 onwards) *Georgia Henshaw as Madi Diamond; Pupil (episode 12 to 30) *Lee Abbate as Zack Diamond; Pupil (episode 12 to 30) *Sarah Hadland as Linda Radleigh; Head of English (episode 13 to 21) *Shifaa Arfann as Naseem Siddiqui; Pupil (episode 21 to 30) *Melanie Hill as Maggie Croft; Senior Canteen Assistant (episode 21 onwards) *Heather Peace as Nikki Boston; Acting Head of English (episode 23 to 30) *Stefan Gumbs as Eugene Garvey; Ex-pupil, Gang Member (episode 26 to 30) *Daniela Denby-Ashe as Lorraine Donnegan; School Benefactor (episode 28 onwards) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Waterloo Road (series 7)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク